In the construction industry the benefits of telehandlers are many, here’s a few of them.
Lifting equipment and materials is an everyday part of the construction industry, and the benefits of telehandlers cannot be underestimated. They can be one of the most valuable, time saving machines that you can utilise. Commonly used in the agricultural and construction industry telehandlers can also be used in distribution centres where a traditional forklift can’t reach. The telehandler you could say is a hybrid of a crane and a forklift, offering manoeuvrability and versatility for different projects.
[1] Versatility
Telehandlers are widely regarded among the construction and agricultural industries. They can do more than just lifting a pallet. The telescopic boom handle with interchangeable attachment heads makes the telehandler one of the most versatile machines in the industry. Forklifts, scoop buckets, winches, mud grabs and several other attachments can be attached to the boomer to complete various jobs. A cabin can also be attached to lift people up too hard to reach places, while clamps can be used to lift straw bales.
[2] Heavy Loads
Telehandlers are far stronger than similar sized cranes and forklifts, being able to lift to great heights due to the extendable arm. Lifting one single roof tile is not usually an issue, but lifting an entire pallet requires a stronger machine. A telehandler has stabilizers, a set of feet at the front of machine, allowing it to lift these heavy loads.
[3] Safety
Telehandlers can replace a large amount of manual lifting on your work site and make complicated moving and lifting jobs easier, reducing the pressure on your workers, improving their safety. Telehandlers must only be used by properly trained and qualified operators to ensure the highest level of on-site safety. Machines are provided with an operator manual to maximise the equipment’s safe use. It is important to not exceed maximum load capacity and use stabilisers when necessary. If all safety measures are met, telehandlers are very safe and useful machines to have in the workplace.
[4] Effective on and off the road
Telehandlers are versatile for navigating a range of working environments with both on and off road capabilities. With their 4-wheel drive feature they can cover very rough and uneven terrain, which is useful for building sites, in agriculture or even in mines. Having 4 wheels also allows the telehandler to be driven on roads, allowing for ease of transportation between work sites.